Pre-Book Your Next Appointment As we prepare to open up soon, we want to give you the opportunity to get in line for your next appointment! If you are human, leave this field blank.Sign Up For An AppointmentName *Email *Phone *Please contact me via: *PhoneEmailThe best time to contact me is *Morning (before noon)Afternoon (Noon-5PM)Evening (5PM-8PM)Give us an idea of what you are looking for!What kind of service are you looking for? *Cut & StyleHighlights (Full)Highlights (Partial)Highlights (Halo)Highlights (Mulit-Dimensional)Highlights (Color In-Between)Blow OutIron WorkFormal StyleKeratin TreatmentPermanent WaveRoot ColorFull ColorScalp RejuvinationMoisture InfusionDamage CureColor RefreshColor ElixirScalp MassageHair ExtensionsWaxing (Eyebrow)Waxing (Lip)Eyelash ExtensionsUncertainWhat days of the week would you be available to come in for an appointment? *Click all of the days that you would potentially be available to come in for an appointment.SundayMondayTuesdayWednesdayThursdayFridaySaturdayWhat times of the day would you be available to come in for your appointment. *Please check all of the times that you could potentially be available for your appointment.10 AM11 AMNoon1PM2PM3PM4PM5PM6PM7PM8PMPlease let us know if you have a preferred stylist to work with. *If you do not already have a preferred stylist or if you are new to our salon, please just type "NA."Pre-ConsultationOur stylist will contact you for a remote pre-consultation. If we are able to reseve a specific date and time for you to come in at that point, we will do so during this consultation.I would like my pre-consultation to take place over: *Zoom CallFacetimeFacebook Messanger RoomAny of the these optionsOther...Captcha *reCAPTCHA is required.Submit